Personally, I am fully aware that for-profits could credit low quality students, however, it is the un-willingness of the accredited school to evaluate students that bothered me most.
Do you surprised? You probably should not!With current accreditation system and the practice of schools, especially the regional accredited schools, you really should not be surprised. If you follow these issues and read the responses from regional accredited schools, you know they will not evaluate students on an individual cases. As long as your credits are not from a 'reputable' ( read regional accredited) schools, you are out of luck. The national accredited or the for-profit schools have argued this in vain.
I suppose military can setup agreements with these accreditation agency and get it to work. But this is missing the point! We all knew that not all students from the same school possess the same quality. Even students taking same courses from different instructors possess different quality. It's very possible that an A students from a non-reputable school could out preform a C student an accredited school. Why should we punish students just because they attended a non-reputable schools but work hard to learn.
Personally, I fully aware that for-profits could credit low quality students, however, it is the un-willingness of the accredited school to evaluate students that bothered me most.