Thursday, December 12, 2013

ACT score distribution (2013) in charts

While working on our project, we find the need to visualize the ACT score distribution. ACT published the score distribution annually for National and for each state. What is missing is charts that help visualizing the distribution.

Below, we presented the National ACT score distributions for the class of 2013.Please note the math distribution has a very distinctive shape.

The main scores:
Figure 1 - ACT English Score Distribution (2013)

Figure 2 - ACT Math Score Distribution (2013)

Figure 3 - ACT Reading Score Distribution (2013)

Figure 4 - ACT Science Score Distribution (2013)

Figure 5 - ACT Composite Score Distribution (2013)

In addition to the main score, ACT also published distributions for sub-scores that constituted the main score.

Sub-Scores - ACT English Score Distribution (2013):
Figure 6 - English (Usage/Mechanics) Score Distribution (2013)

Figure 7 - English (Rhetorical Skills) Score Distribution (2013)

Sub-Scores - ACT Math Score Distribution (2013):

Figure 8 - Math (Pre-Algebra) Score Distribution (2013)

Figure 9 - Math (Algebra/Coordinate Geometry) Score Distribution (2013)

Figure 10 - Math (Plane Geometry/Trigonometry) Score Distribution (2013)

Sub-Scores - ACT Reading Score Distribution (2013):
Figure 11 - Reading (Social Science) Score Distribution (2013)

Figure 12 - Reading (Art/Literature) Score Distribution (2013)

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