Monday, January 01, 2018

Brain Drain - 2011-07 ACS State Migration for Working Age population

A data release concerning educational population migrated between states in the United States of America. The report is based on US census' ACS 5-year PUMS data for 2011-2007!
This is a data update of my previous article 'Brain Drain - 2015 ACS State Migration for Working Age'. The data presented here is based on US census' ACS 5-year PUMS data release that covers 2011 to 2007.

As mentioned in my other recent articles, even though these are data updates, but due to survey changes and re-structure of program codes, it takes a while to get data ready for release.

Since this is a data update of my forementioned article, please refer to that article for detailed description of data. Over here, I will simply summarize the type of data that are made available.

With this data release, reader can explorer the number of people that moved to your state per year from each other state. Reader can also explorer the education attainment level of these migrated population. On the reverse side, reader can also explore the number of people leave your state and move to each other state, again, with the education attainment status available. Finally, the net migration is made available with 90% margin of error presented, which provide a sense of confidence for the data.

The released data is published via Tableau Public at here.

Related articles:
Nebraska Brain Drain Migration and Ed. Attainment, 2015 United States ACS

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