Original Article - So. Robot surgery is here! Now the testing!!
Time for the hologram!
Intended to provide my thoughts on education issues.
Original Article - So. Robot surgery is here! Now the testing!!
Original Article - Governer propose fund linking to test score
That said, I still think multiple choices can measure a lot of things with ease. Does 2+5=4*2-(2-1) measure anything? I think so. People keep talking about bad things about teaching to the test. But I consider that is OK if the test is well designed and I believe tests designed by professional will be better than the one I created for my classes — in the sense that taking all the statistics and level of details into consideration. Let along it will be more effecient than every instrutors create their own.
I understand that at a higher level, there are things that is difficult to measure. But, still, there are way to many instructors grade their students with tests.
Personally, I require my students to show all the steps how they reaches their answer. The purpose is to see at what level they don’t understand. So I can provide better advices. However, the test is NOT a teaching aid. It is time for them to show what they really know. I do use tests that require them to show steps. But the intention is so that I can deduct partial score based on how much they know. If I could design enough multiple choice questions that testing their knowledge level, I would not vote against it.
I think people are jumpping to conclusions here. Plan can be revised and progressive.
=============Original Article - Immigrant do better?
I am a citizen that care about education and with views that derived from my training and life experiences.
I am a science major with teaching experience and had crossed over to electronics, computer sciences, civil engineer and social sciences.I am not touting my writing skill but my idea. I am brief in words but elaborate on ideas.