Facts are good to know. But we have to be careful about how we go about it. A not well thought advocacy can teach its citizen the wrong lesson and cause the fail of the society.
I understand that there are concerns about minorities are in a disadvantage status. However, we should be careful about how we should provid the help.
I am sure not all languages have the same volcabularies. Even different fields of study use word differently. But I don’t think it should be an execuse that we should provide more assistants to minorities.
Personally, my parents can’t help me on anything about student loan, financial aid ... etc. I am now having a child approaching the college-going age and I know I will have to study about it. To me, if a school did provide info to students and parents and did not intentionally favor one race or the other, I will consider they did their job since everyone had been given the same oppotunity.
From time to time, I feel people need take more responsibility and I think society should be careful not to demote the importance of it. How a society work is a vivid real life lesson to its citizen. A not well thought advocacy can teach its citizen the wrong lesson and cause the fail of the society.
Hispanic is not the only race that START in economic disadvantaged state. A lot of immigrants are. But some of them are very successful, like Asian in general. I am sure their laguange barriers are larger.
The most important lesson that should be taught in K12 is the responsibility. If you don’t think school can do it along, then it’s time to involve and educate parents too.
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